Schild International Patient Office in mehreren Sprachen

Welcome to the TUM University Hospital. Our hospital is a center of high-end medicine, medical innovation and research.Thus, we are able to provide the best possible treatment to our patients and we look forward to welcome you as a patient.

To help you plan your stay with us in the best possible way, we have compiled the most important information for international patients. If you have any further questions, our International Patient Office will answer all organizational questions concerning your stay.

In order to be able to check whether we are able to treat you as a foreign patient, we require a couple of personal and medical information from you. Please add all information that you consider to be relevant for you case in the treatment inquiry form below.

Your request must include:

  • A written explanation of the reason for your enquiry, your illness and your symptoms
  • Medical reports and findings about your treatment in German or English
  • A copy of your ID document (passport)

How will my request / treatment inquiry be processed?

Schicken Sie Ihre Anfrage über das Kontaktformular an das IPO


Wir leiten Ihre Anfrage an unsere Experten des jeweiligen Fachgebiets weiter und senden Ihnen einen Kostenvoranschlag für Ihre Behandlung


Bezahlung des Kostenvoranschlags: Sie können das Geld entweder auf unser Bankkonto überweisen oder per Kreditkarte bezahlen.


Sobald wir Ihre Zahlung erhalten haben, werden wir so schnell wie möglich einen Termin für Ihre Behandlung vereinbaren.

! Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Klinikum keinen Dolmetscherservice anbietet. Falls erforderlich oder gewünscht, können Sie einen Dolmetscherservice selbst organisieren und bezahlen.

Treatment inquiry for International Patients

(Please complete this form in English, German or Russian)

Form of adress *


Which department is relevant to your diagnosis?: *

* required field


Do you have a question? You can contact us at any time via the contact form or by telephone during our office opening hours.
Phone: +49 89 4140 6400

Opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
  • Friday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm