Bioengineering Day 2024: Science Slam

19.07.2024 [/] 14:00 - 17:00


Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer
Executive Director MIBE
Chair of Biomedical Physics

Science Slammers

  • Albert Croner, M.Sc. (Bio-inspired Information Processing, TUM)
  • Prachi Kumari, M.Sc. (Neuroengineering Materials, TUM)
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Hayden (Biomedical Electronics, TUM)
  • Franziska Hinterdobler, M.Sc. (Biomedical Imaging Physics, TUM)
  • Prof. Dr. Berna Özkale Edelmann (Nano- and Microrobotics, TUM)
  • Prof. Dr. Cristina Piazza & Dr. Patricia Capsi-Morales (Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics, TUM)



MIBE, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching b. München

Anmeldung bis 12. Juli vorab erforderlich: 


Bioengineering Day 2024: Science Slam

Speech is silver, slamming is golden!

Join us for our Bioengineering Day at the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering. This year we have a special surprise for you. Six science slams feature scientists presenting exciting research from our Integrative Research Institute. From hearing prostheses to nanorobots, you can expect entertaining and fascinating insights into science, medicine, and bioengineering.

Be there and cheer on our slammers with us!


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