SAVE THE DATE: 11th Cardiac Regeneration and Vascular Biology Conference - Island of San Servolo/Venice

30.06.2025 - 02.07.2025 [/] 13:00 - 12:00

Speakers and Chairs are invited. The registration of participants is open until March 31, 2025. 
Contact: Prof. Dr. Christian Kupatt,


Island of San Servolo/Venice

Innere Medizin I: Kardiologie, Angiologie

11th Cardiac Regeneration and Vascular Biology Conference - Island of San Servolo/Venice

Organizer: TUM University Hospital / Department of Internal Medicine I / Cardiology

Scientific Board: 
• Prof. Dr. Christian Kupatt (Internal Medicine I, TUM University Hospital, Munich)
• Prof. Dr. Sabine Steffens (IPEK, University Hospital, LMU Munich)
• Prof. Dr. Oliver Söhnlein (Institute for Experimental Pathology, ZMBE, University of Muenster)
• Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bernhagen (ISD, University Hospital, LMU Munich)
• Prof. Dr. Markus Sperandio (Chair of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology, BMC, LMU Munich) 

Further information and preliminary Agenda

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